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Wet Wipes

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The wipes with 0% alcohol and natural  moisturizer and refresh your skin conveniently. Our pack is suitable to use wipes at home or on the go.  We have chosen skin friendly ingredients that are not only soothing to the skin but also cause zero irritation. They provide overall nourishment while hydrating it well Enough. These are perfect to clean your face, hands and neck while travelling or when you need to give your tired face a quick makeover

Get Individualized Hygiene with Private Label Wet Wipes

The rise of convenient and hygienic solutions has led to a growth in the use of wet wipes. Many brands are looking to offer products that are not only safe to use but also portable in nature. This rise in demand of consumers has led to businesses trying to capitalize through private label wet wipes.  At “The Perfect Hygiene,” we manufacture a wide range of white label wet wipes as well as tissue wipes designed to give your brand the edge it needs. 

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